Thursday, November 3, 2011

NobelReplace Conical Connection & NobelReplace Platform Shift

One original implant body, more restorative options 

With over 40 years of experience in the continuous development and manufacturing of innovative and high-end restorative and esthetic dental products, Nobel Biocare is proud to introduce NobelReplace Conical Connection & NobelReplace Platform Shift designed to optimize esthetic outcome through enhanced soft tissue preservation while maintaining the ease of the step-by–step surgical protocol.

The new dental implants mean you can enjoy even higher restorative flexibility as they support all Nobel Biocare’s existing prosthetics for internal tri-channel and internal conical connection.


Digital Dental Impression

Significant advancements have been made in digital dental impression scanning that it has been said, in the next 5 years 35% of dentists will be using this technology.  The advantages of digital scanning allow the dentist a real time view of your preparation and impression technique.  By avoiding the cost of redoing impressions and eliminating the error factor in labs making ill fitting crowns.  Digital scanning allows the dentist to have the same view the lab sees, and reduces the chances for voids, pulls and margin errors that are associated with traditional dental impressions.  Allowing the dentist to develop better precision on the margins, the taper and the polish of the prep walls plus rounded angles all contribute to a better crown fit.  Digital impression scanners use lasers to capture thousands of reference points of contours of tooth and gingival structures with over 300 hundred focal points of depth. The time to digitally scan a patient is 3 to 5 minutes, but there are no materials to handle or models to pour up. Digital scanners are capable of fabricating all types of restorations; veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and dental implant abutments or full arch cases. Most digital impression scanners don’t have to use impression powders and are capable of capturing supragingival and subgingival preparations. Digital dental impression scanners are not just for crown and bridge treatments, the availability to scan full-arch orthodontic therapies and dental implant treatments are opening the door to many possibilities.  More and more dental labs are now accepting digital scanning files directly to their labs and the day is coming that traditional dental impressions will not be sent by mail.  Dental practices taking advantage of this new technology will have a distinct advantage over those practices who continue to offer traditional dental impressions. Patient communication and acceptance are enhanced when the dental practitioner can demonstrate treatment viewing of a 3D image for patients.  In addition, having digital impression technology will project an advanced image that may lead to more patient referrals.  It may be time to invest in this technology today, a perfect fit for a perfect practice.

Monday, October 17, 2011

New NobelActive 3.0 Dental Implant

NobelActive 3.0 retains the major design features of the existing NobelActive NP Ø3.5mm

•Expanding tapered implant body

•Constantly expanding central core

•Sharp cutting blades, deep and widely spaced 35° double lead threads

•Reverse cutting flutes

•Horizontal macro grooves on collar

•Grooves on thread tip to increase bone to implant contact and promote bone growth

•TiUnite Surface

•Great for missing laterals and lower anterior teeth where space is limited.